Independent Baptist Churches Insurance Introduction – 2018

Welcome to the new online version of the Independent Baptist Churches (IBC) Insurance Renewal Declaration.


  1. Questions are dynamic and respond to your answers.
  2. Take your time. Click “Save and Continue Later” and a unique link will be displayed for you to use later (within 30 days). But please do not close your browser window without doing so, as your information will be lost.
  3. Once completed, click Submit on the final page. After submitting, you will then be able to download a PDF copy of your declaration.

Contact us for either:

  • a copy of the link you are sent after selecting “Save and continue later” (if you have lost it); or
  • if you require clarity regarding any questions &/or answers you have given.

Our email:

Click the following link to go to the form:

Independent Baptist Churches Insurance Declaration Form


The FaithInsure team